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The Price of Tea in China is the brainchild of Abby Abroad, who's lived in China on and off since 2014. Here, she and her team share details about daily life in China for expats, deep dives into local businesses and entrepreneurs, and stories about recent events and non-profits. The goal is to highlight hidden realities of life here and to give individuals with intriguing stories their due!

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Events & Books

The First-Ever Vegan Discovery Dinner in Beijing

Last Saturday night, ten curious individuals followed careful directions to arrive at the Dongsi branch…

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Events & Books

The Local & Furry Tales Sling Drinks & Celebrate Pups

As the sun set on May 14, two warm, friendly people united to create an…

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Why “The Price of Tea in China”?

The origins of the website's name.…

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Events & Books

Nature, Birding, & Diplomacy

A Beijing birding legend teaches local expats about migration & nature preservation.…

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Events & Books

A Unique Collab Unites Food & Furry Friends in Beijing

Every weekday, Basil, a food delivery service in Beijing, drops off a little bag with…

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Beyond Beijing

“Old China Hands” Oral History Collection

When somewhat facetiously looking up the term “old China hand” for the last article, I…

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What To Do Next?